Social Value Policy Document for Rhics Ltd

Last updated: 15/04/2024



Rhics Ltd, as a pioneering technology company based in the UK, recognises the importance of integrating social value into our business operations. This policy document outlines our commitment and strategic approach to delivering social value across all areas of our business, ensuring we contribute positively to the economic, social, and environmental landscape of the communities we operate in.



Rhics is committed to enhancing social value in our operations and projects. This commitment is aligned with our broader corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals, which aim to support and promote the well-being of our community sustainably. We strive to create a positive impact through strategic initiatives that benefit not only our company but also the wider community and the environment.


Policy Points

  1. Employment and Training

Aim: To develop a skilled and diverse workforce by providing equitable employment opportunities, competitive wages, and comprehensive training programs.


  • Local Hiring: Prioritize the hiring of local talent to boost the local economy and reduce commuting emissions.
  • Skill Development: Offer apprenticeships, internships, and training sessions to enhance the skills and employability of individuals, especially targeting underrepresented groups.
  • Career Advancement: Promote from within and support continuous professional development to retain top talent and improve job satisfaction.


  1. Sustainable Procurement

Aim: To foster economic growth within our community by supporting local businesses and implementing environmentally responsible procurement practices.


  • Local Suppliers: Where feasible, procure goods and services from local suppliers to minimize environmental impact and support local businesses.
  • Sustainable Products: Choose environmentally friendly products and encourage suppliers to adopt sustainable practices.
  • Supplier Diversity: Encourage diversity in our supply chain by engaging with minority-owned, women-owned, and small businesses.


  1. Environmental Responsibility

Aim: To minimize our environmental footprint through efficient resource use and sustainable practices.


  • Resource Efficiency: Implement strategies to reduce water and energy consumption in our operations.
  • Waste Reduction: Adopt policies to minimize waste generation, promote recycling and reuse of materials across all departments.
  • Green Technology: Invest in green technologies and solutions that reduce environmental impacts.


  1. Community Engagement

Aim: To build strong community relations through active participation and support of local initiatives.


  • Volunteering: Encourage employees to participate in community service, providing paid leave for volunteer activities.
  • Charitable Donations: Support local charities and non-profits through donations and sponsorship programs.
  • Community Programs: Engage in programs that enhance community welfare, such as education, public health, and safety initiatives.


  1. Reporting and Improvement

Aim: To maintain transparency and foster continuous improvement in our social value initiatives.


  • Regular Reviews: Conduct annual reviews of our social value initiatives to assess their impact and effectiveness.
  • Stakeholder Feedback: Solicit feedback from employees, customers, and community members to inform policy adjustments and improvements.
  • Public Reporting: Publish an annual report detailing our social value contributions, challenges, and future goals.


  1. Health and Wellbeing

Aim: To promote the health and well-being of our employees and the wider community.


  • Employee Wellness Programs: Implement comprehensive wellness programs that support physical and mental health, including access to counselling services, fitness programs, and wellness workshops.
  • Community Health Initiatives: Support and engage in local health campaigns focusing on major public health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and mental health awareness.
  • Healthy Work Environment: Ensure that all work environments are safe, healthy, and conducive to employee wellbeing, with regular health and safety assessments.


  1. Inclusivity and Diversity

Aim: To foster an inclusive workplace and support community diversity initiatives.


  • Diversity Training: Provide training to all employees on diversity, equity, and inclusion, helping to build a culture of understanding and respect.
  • Support for Minority Groups: Implement initiatives specifically designed to support the advancement of underrepresented groups within the community, such as mentorship programs and scholarships.
  • Inclusive Recruitment Policies: Develop recruitment policies that actively seek to increase diversity within the workforce.


  1. Digital Inclusion

Aim: To reduce the digital divide by improving access to technology and digital literacy in our community.


  • Community Training Workshops: Offer free or subsidized training workshops focused on building digital skills among community members, especially targeting the elderly and low-income households.
  • Donations of Technology: Partner with local schools and non-profits to donate used or surplus computing equipment.
  • Support for Remote Learning: Develop programs that provide resources and support for students and schools adapting to remote learning environments.


  1. Sustainable Innovation

Aim: To drive innovations that contribute to sustainability and address societal challenges.


  • R&D for Sustainability: Invest in research and development focused on creating products and services that improve environmental sustainability or address major societal needs.
  • Collaborations and Partnerships: Engage in partnerships with academic institutions, industry peers, and non-profits to develop solutions that benefit society.
  • Support Startups: Create an incubator program to support startups working on innovative solutions in sustainability, education, and health.


  1. Ethical Governance

Aim: To ensure that all business practices are conducted ethically and transparently.


  • Corporate Governance Standards: Adhere to high standards of corporate governance, including transparency, accountability, and fairness in all business dealings.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Maintain active dialogue with stakeholders to ensure that business practices align with societal expectations and ethical standards.
  • Anti-Corruption Measures: Implement strict policies and training to prevent any form of corruption and ensure compliance with anti-corruption laws.


Compliance and Regulatory Checkpoints

  • Adherence to Laws: Comply with all local, national, and international laws and regulations related to employment, safety, environmental protection, and business operations.
  • Ethical Standards: Maintain high ethical standards in all business dealings and community interactions.



Through the implementation of this Social Value Policy, Rhics Ltd aspires to be a leader in corporate social responsibility within the technology sector, positively impacting our community and setting a benchmark for others in the industry. Our commitment to these principles is not only integral to our business ethics but is also a vital part of our long-term strategic goals.